Calling all Citizens
of The United States of America!
Perhaps you are with an activist group, or a concerned citizen, or perhaps you are with the press.
This email is to promote an essential item for your upcoming events, features, or demonstrations.
Download the Plans and Mission Statement for the "Standard Issue"
Regardless of political leanings or of favorite issues, we all benefit from the protections of our constitution.
The American Government is under attack by enemies foreign and domestic
who are determined to destroy our Democratic System and to destroy the rule of law.
This email is to advocate a constitutional remedy. The Second Amendment. (without guns!)
This rifle must be shown at all events. (prototypes shown-please see item 1 below for current issue)
American, independent, left, right, white, black, yellow, brown, green and purple,
women, men,
...and yes, even children and infants are under attack.
- ALL must rise to defeat the illegitimate! -
The toy rifle is the point of the spear to pierce the
chaos of distraction currently from the Whitehouse,
elected by fraud with strong illegal backing from adversary governments.
We shall smash the mirror of illusion and go straight to the matter.
We shall be the "well regulated militia" spoken of in our constitution.
There needs to be a nationwide shortage of 3/4" plywood! NOW!
1. You do not have to have a gun to be a warrior for your country.
2. The links beloware the plans to build a standard issue toy rifle
suitable for marching and performing drills.
3. These toy guns are a symbol of the will of the people
to defend The United States from enemies foreign and domestic.
4. The aim is to ultimately demonstrate in Washington D.C. and to
surround the Whitehouse with 100,000 of these toys.
The target date for this demonstration is Thanksgiving 2019 (or sooner if needed)
5. The 2nd Amendment is for the love of country, not the love of guns.
6. Get up to speed now. Build your rifle. Do some drills. The militia must be "regulated.
7. This event is fluid and changes happen often. Tune in to for updates.